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Wombats - 2 years to 3 years

In the Gosford Cubbyhouse Wombat Room, as Early Childhood Educators we provide a nurturing, safe and stimulating environment that supports each child’s sense of Belonging, Being and Becoming.



We guide each child in building a solid foundation of a positive sense of identity, where they feel connected with and are able to contribute to their world. We promote each child’s sense of wellbeing, and acknowledge and value that children are confident and involved learners and are effective communicators, in support of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and its outcomes.




We recognise and respect that parents are the first educators of their children, we extend children’s learning and development by being co educators in partnerships with families through the sharing of information. We promote diversity within our room and program, that reflects our centre and the wider community. Embracing and showing respect for diverse values, beliefs and customs within humanity



Gosford Cubbyhouse is an environment where learning takes place through play, focused on children’s interests, natural curiosity, input from families and accompanied by intentional teaching, forming the basis of our program.

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